



Three Natural Herbs to Increase Fertility in Women

There are various methods of treating infertility. For example, when infertility is caused by endometriosis, PID and fallopian tube blockage, patients can take the Chinese herbal medicine-Fuyan Pill as the ideal treatment. Meanwhile, pure natural herbs can be also considered as the adjuvant therapy for this problem. The following are some of the popular herbs for increasing female fertility.
Dong Quai
This herb is often used to tone the uterus, and regulate menstrual cycles. As traditional Chinese herb, dong quai is very popular as a blood tonic. It is also said to be useful in regulating female sex hormones. Therefore, it is one of the popular herbs to increase fertility in women.
Besides, Dong quai is common to be used for treating ovarian cysts, endometriosis, and fibroids. Some patients find that it beneficial for combating the symptoms of menopause.
Because it is a blood purifier and can improve blood circulation, dong quai should not be used by those with blood clotting disorders, and those who take blood thinning medication. It is necessary for diabetics and pregnant women to avoid this herb. As it can increase the menstrual flow, women also should avoid using dong quai during menstruation.
Evening Primrose Oil
Because evening primrose oil is rich in gamma linolenic acid, it is said to boost the glands that produce hormones. Therefore, this oil can improve the quality of cervical mucus and increase the chances of pregnancy. 
Generally, it is to be taken from the date of menstruation till ovulation. you have to discontinue its use after ovulation, for  it is most likely to cause uterine contractions and cramping. 
It is said that vitex, which is also called chaste berry, is one of the popular herbs to aid fertility in females and is highly effective in regulating hormones. This herb is used to normalize the functions of the pituitary gland and regulate the vital sex hormones in females.
Therefore, it is often used to treat hormonal imbalance, dysmenorrhea, irregularities in ovulation, amenorrhea and so on. it is suggested women who have stopped taking birth control pills for a long time to start vitex, so as to restore normal ovulation. It is particularly useful for women who have low progesterone levels.
source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/a/Blog/2014/0923/240.html

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How does the rope skipping reduce the morbidity rate of ectopic pregnancy?

Under the influence of taking exercises fashion movement, more and more people take part in taking exercises. Rope skipping as one of the most popular exercises is easy to perform at home. Rope skipping not only can enhance physique and lose weight, but also can prevent ectopic pregnancy.  
When women take rope skipping, jumping up and down can make the inner organs like uterus and it’s around ligaments shaking metrically. As for fallopian tubes and the ovaries, they can be stretched by the metrical shaking healthily. 
What’s more, the rope skipping just like a gym for fallopian tubes can stimulate the two organs properly. So this exercise can boost inner microcirculation to supply more nutrition and oxygen, and improve metabolism to the two organs. Therefore, rope skipping is good for the two organs.
For teenagers, appropriate stimulation caused by frequent rope skipping is helpful for these underdeveloped organs like smooth muscle and secretory cells of fallopian tubes to growth and development. For fertile women, it is helpful for the transporting functions of fallopian, the discharging of hormones and other auxiliary reproductive liquid, protecting the whole pregnant process. Therefore, the ectopic pregnancy can be avoided, because the possibility for fertilized egg to be stopped by blocked fallopian tube and then have to implant in fallopian tubes can be reduced effectively. Rope skipping is perfectly useful on caring reproductive health and maintaining the function of fallopian tubes.
According to an experiment, the fertilized egg in women who take rope skipping frequently moves more quickly and accurately than those who are not. 
In addition to preventing ectopic pregnancy, rope skipping is also good at enhancing heart, liver, nerves, and kidneys and so on.  
All in all, rope skipping is a good exercise for women. But here is one thing I need to remind, women should avoid rope skipping 20 hours after intercourse, because rope skipping can affect the fertilizing between sperm and egg. However, if you already have had tubal conditions, to prevent ectopic pregnancy, you can take Fuyan Pill.
source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/a/Blog/2014/0930/244.html

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Three Natural Herbs to Increase Fertility in Women

There are various methods of treating infertility. For example, when infertility is caused by endometriosis, PID and fallopian tube blockage, patients can take the Chinese herbal medicine-Fuyan Pill as the ideal treatment. Meanwhile, pure natural herbs can be also considered as the adjuvant therapy for this problem. The following are some of the popular herbs for increasing female fertility.
Dong Quai
This herb is often used to tone the uterus, and regulate menstrual cycles. As traditional Chinese herb, dong quai is very popular as a blood tonic. It is also said to be useful in regulating female sex hormones. Therefore, it is one of the popular herbs to increase fertility in women.
Besides, Dong quai is common to be used for treating ovarian cysts, endometriosis, and fibroids. Some patients find that it beneficial for combating the symptoms of menopause.
Because it is a blood purifier and can improve blood circulation, dong quai should not be used by those with blood clotting disorders, and those who take blood thinning medication. It is necessary for diabetics and pregnant women to avoid this herb. As it can increase the menstrual flow, women also should avoid using dong quai during menstruation.
Evening Primrose Oil
Because evening primrose oil is rich in gamma linolenic acid, it is said to boost the glands that produce hormones. Therefore, this oil can improve the quality of cervical mucus and increase the chances of pregnancy. 
Generally, it is to be taken from the date of menstruation till ovulation. you have to discontinue its use after ovulation, for  it is most likely to cause uterine contractions and cramping. 
It is said that vitex, which is also called chaste berry, is one of the popular herbs to aid fertility in females and is highly effective in regulating hormones. This herb is used to normalize the functions of the pituitary gland and regulate the vital sex hormones in females.
Therefore, it is often used to treat hormonal imbalance, dysmenorrhea, irregularities in ovulation, amenorrhea and so on. it is suggested women who have stopped taking birth control pills for a long time to start vitex, so as to restore normal ovulation. It is particularly useful for women who have low progesterone levels.
article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/a/Blog/2014/0923/240.html

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Should all epididymal cysts take surgery treatment?

Epididymal cysts, commonly occur in young men, are also known as spermatocele. It is the most common diseased part that is epididymal head. The main symptoms are increased hard and smooth mass, yellow and clear liquid secretions in epididymis. For the treatment of the disease, some patients choose surgery treatment to remove it. Should all epididymal cysts take surgery treatment? In fact, not all epididymal cysts need surgery treatment, TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) can also work well on this disease. 
For patients with epididymal cysts, if the size of the cysts is not big, the patient has no other symptoms. Then, there is no need to take some treatments. However, if it brings some symptoms to the patient, timely treatment is necessary. 
In clinic, although surgery can remove the cysts to some extent, it does bring much harm to the patient like male infertility. Besides, if the cyst is too smaller to be removed by the surgery, the surgery may not only make the cyst not be removed, but also may make the epididymis in the risk of reinfection. 
So the TCM treatment, a natural and conventional treatment, is accepted by more and more patients. Take the herbal medicine diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill, the national patented herbal medicine invented by the herbalist Dr. Lee Xiaoping, for example. 
1.The herbal medicine is completed formula. That is the herbal medicine has a complete efficacy. It is made by over 50 kinds of herbs, without any side effects and drug resistance.  
2.It has functions of activating blood and resolving stasis, which can dissolve the cysts from the root. In the view of TCM, the epididymal lesions are mainly caused by damp, heat and toxins. The occurrence of epididymal cysts are mainly caused by unblocked Qi and blood stasis. The herbal medicine contains herbs like Safflower, peach seed and Angelica sinensis to activate blood and resolve stasis.
3. It has functions of clearing away heat and dampness, and removes toxins. As we know, to prevent the regrow of the cysts, diminishing the inflammation is very important. The herbal medicine contains herbs like Plantain Seed, Houttuynia cordata, Cowherb Seed to clear away damp, heat and bacteria.

To sum up, not all epididymal cysts are needed surgery treatment, drug therapy like TCM treatment also works well. Besides, patients should be noted that if the size of the cysts is larger than 5cm, the patient should take the surgery treatment first, and take the postoperative oral diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill to get a cure.

article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Epididymitis/2014/0923/241.html

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How to cure frequent urination caused by prostatitis?

Prostatitis is an annoying disease for men, not only because of the low cure rate, but also because of its symptoms. Prostatitis can bring urgent urination, difficult or painful urination, fever, low-back pain, frequent urination and other symptoms to men. But among those symptoms, frequent urination is the one should be pay attention to.

If you have the willing to urinate more than one time per hour, that means you have had frequent urination. This symptom is unbearable and annoying, because patients with this symptom cannot focus on work, go out for a happy holiday and even have a good sleep at night.
Since frequent urination is so annoying, how to cure it? There is no doubt that you will recommend antibiotics because when prostatitis disappear, this symptom will disappear too. But as you may know that 90% of prostatitis are chronic nonbacterial prostatitis which cannot be cured by antibiotics. What's more, antibiotics have so many disadvantages such as drug resistance and side-effects. It isn't a healthy treatment.
Frequent urination can be solved by a natural treatment - Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. This pill is diuretic. After taking this pill, you will find that the urination time is declined and the volume of urine is increasing. What's more, you also can have a good sleep at night.
Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill not only can solve frequent urination, but also can cure prostatitis thoroughly in three months, because of those functions such as promoting blood circulation of prostate gland, Improving Qi, clearing away heat and toxic materials and releasing pain.
Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, a natural treatment for frequent urination caused by prostatitis, is an outstanding pill. This pill is approved by SIPO in 2010. It is worth to try.
article source : http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Prostatitis/Acute_prostatitis/2013/1113/1092.html

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